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Old 17-11-2006, 01:53
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Default my s12 & se log book

was just checkin through the site and found my s12 on here! it did belong to andy whose selling the se spoilers! i was checking through some of his posts and noticed alot of stuff about the lovely mr rosenburg himself and missing cars and it got me thinkin bout my last s12!
about 2 and a half years ago i used to work at the mot centre pete used to use and i moted a met grey f reg silvia and it failed on some welding and brake pipes! it was totally standard, manual and had a tow bar on it! about a month later he said it was for sale for £100 so i went and bought it! i chased him for a couple of months about getting the log book and the w@nker kept telling me he'd written to the owner and they hadn't got back to him!
never did get a log book so couldn't get tax and couldn't be arsed with the grief of applying for a new 1so ended up selling it to a mate who stripped it out for the drag strip! think he's stil got it!
just wondered if any1 never got paid 4 it?
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