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Old 24-12-2006, 19:52
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PukkaSilvia PukkaSilvia is offline
Club Founder
Join Date: Oct 2005
Location: Sussex
Posts: 7,580
PukkaSilvia will become famous soon enoughPukkaSilvia will become famous soon enough
Smile Happy christmas everyone

Happy christmas everyone. I hope your all having a good weekend and having a good rest. Im pretty sure that most of s12oc admin have got things for there s12s for xmas and will be spending some of there christmas hols working on there cars. Its a hard life owning an s12 but worth it when we all get chances to get together and have fun in them. We have had a good year within the club with many new members signing up and many becoming new enthuisiasts.I have only only owned silvias for about 3 to 4 years and i already feel like an s12 veteran. Owners come and go and the odd few become dedicated each year. I hope next year we will continue to grow and have an even better year, with current projects becoming completed and new projects beginning. I will do my best to develop our events and do more varied activities and most importantly get some s12s into the magazines.Carry on with all your hard work and input into the site and your cars.Good luck for 2007.

Merry xmas everyone

Originally Posted by s13eater View Post
i wished my cams cost only £130 each, i must have c*nt wrote on my head
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