build my silvia!
Ok guys I have said this before. My silvia is in bits on my drive. I have no time at present to devote to it and put it back together. I am trying to get back in the Great Britain Athletics team and this is taking up time before work down the gym and after work down the track. When I bend over the engine my back aches terrible due to an old slipped disc injury. So my proposal is:
Would anyone be interested in taking it away and putting it back together? I have asked a couple of you guys and had some interest but nothing solid yet. I would love to see it in one piece and see what it can do. I would possibly be at peace with my silvia and maybe put her on classic insurance or sell her if the price was right.
Things that need doing:
T3 turbo and manifold putting back on (t3 coming this week)
steering rack changed and pump putting back on.(no spare rack yet)
radiator putting in (aluminium one)
alternator and other small ancillaries putting on
battery relocating to the boot
large intercooler in place and partially plumbed in
greddy profec b spec boost controller fitting
440cc injectors to fit
vernier pulley to be fitted (have one)
piper cam fitted (dont have one yet)
probably a replacement clutch would need fitting if all this is in place.
Omex all in place.
Might be one or two other bits but nothing else major.
Obviously I would consider paying the interested person in doing this. So come on guys it would be nice to see another half descent silvia back in the fold. It breaks my heart to see her out in the cold wet going to waste....