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Old 12-01-2007, 07:04
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Draconis Draconis is offline
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Location: Tacoma WA
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Draconis is an unknown quantity at this point

Shorten the TC rods to allow for more castor (i think that's the right word). They will also be stronger. The stock ones are good, but I've broken 2 and I dont drive aggressively AT ALL.

The knuckles will be shortened to allow for more response. I dont know the technicalities of it. All I know is that my technician/best friend/coworker had a particular idea in mind, told me what to do or look for and I do the research to get them made by his specifications. ROFL Sort of like what Nissan made for the old Z's (240/260 and 280 if i am correct).

The rack spacers will allow for more turning radius/angle.

Besides the rb stuff, that's the biggest things we think we can make at a really affordable price so everyone can use.
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