Originally Posted by Pukkasilvia
Martin you seem to take any oportunity to pick at whatever i say, i should not have to cover every angle of a statment i make just to stop you from picking at it like a magpie in a cornfield.
I never had that much bite on my standard discs and pads compared to how they are now It is a seriously vast improvment on the standard setup and i was reccommending it as it is a decent,easier and cheaper option.I never suffer brake fade from 'fast road' type driving.I only got bad brake fade at Rockinham after doing 120 down to 20 over and over again after about 15 minutes because of some daft chicanes they put up on the oval track.
I didnt find s14 front calipers on std s12 discs to any better whatsover than the setup i use Richard, If you are going to go for 4 pots you definatly need different discs
Not 'picking', but you seem to forget I've used the same pads as you, and yes they were better, but locking brakes up isn't a performance indicator. Just because brakes are grabby doesn't mean there going to be good for continued use.
RichardK asked for brake options and opinions, which I gave him, from my own experience. Don't see what the problem is.
Originally Posted by RichardK
Martin, what EXACTLY do I need to get to do this?
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