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Old 08-02-2007, 13:56
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30psi 30psi is offline
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30psi will become famous soon enough

The EDIS is the coil pack, and is about a tenner from a scrap yard. The megasquirt like many other aftermarket and fords ecu's is a wasted spark system hence why it can use this coil pack.

You will need in addition, an air temp sensor, a throttle position sensor, map sensor, crank position sensor (hall sensor, bracket and 36-1 toothed wheel).

I looked at megasquirt about 2 years ago, and I felt the info on the web was all over the place, with no concrete information, and different versions etc, and is in summary very confusing.

Although megasquirt may sound appealing coz its cheap, its only as good as the person that mapped it. Unfortunately I've not heard of any experienced tuners touching megasquirt.

I'm going to use a VEMS system which for the price beats the other ecu's hands down.
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