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Old 16-02-2007, 01:25
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Pistonfreak Pistonfreak is offline
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Originally Posted by ChEsTeR
Conkers. U dont have to cut anthing on the rear to put it on. The only diferance is thet the GP version had a bigger flare to fit a rim with bigger ET. So u can cut it a use a baseball bat to wider it a bit. Im planing to leavi it as it is and if the rim will couse some trouble i will use a bat.
About the shiping to Austalia i will let u know next week. I can tell u now that shiping with DHL it will be around 1300 USD. But i also checked for the polish mail and they wanted 50-150 USD for shiping to US so autralia will be around the same.
And for the price for the whole set will be around 300 EUR maybe abit more depends on the exchange rate plus shiping.
I don't mind useing sea frieght and waiting a little longer as it will keep the costs down. Yeah DHL is expensive I try not to use the myself
300 euro for the kit plus delivery sounds good
I'm definately in
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