Thread: L.s.d
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Old 16-02-2007, 23:27
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Conkers Conkers is offline
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Join Date: Mar 2006
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First, I want to apologise to 30psi for being rude. Make no mistake about that, Sorry.

But Richard, I have some beef with you..

Constructive.. I think my post has been constructive Richard, and I apologise for insinuating that the guy was a pillock.
I took exception to him insinuating that I was a muppet, with the "kingcab has a live axle" comment, when I was perfectly clear in my posting when I used the term "diff" as opposed to "axle", yet he misunderstood me and called me by stating the obvious.
If you are unsure, look up the definition of a diff verses an axle.

You are admin and I respect that, but you are sitting on a high horse and might want to have a good look in the mirror, I just spent a few minutes skimming through the sort of posts and comments you make on here, and can only summise that racist remarks and slurs against different religious beliefs are obviously ok as are derogatory remarks about officials at car meetings...

So I'll be watching you Richard... Racist remarks will not be tolerated, regardless of who you are.

Conkers. <--- "In my country we throw hypocritical administrators down the well" ;-)

Now lets all get back to talking about what we enjoy... Cars, Women and playing with them.
Blog (with 180zx build pictures)

Last edited by Conkers; 17-02-2007 at 00:09.