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Old 17-02-2007, 17:37
CNHSS1's Avatar
Join Date: Jan 2006
Location: shrewsbury
Posts: 606
CNHSS1 is an unknown quantity at this point

yeah thats right, it was based on a Ca20 rather than ca18. Ran a bluebird head with rear dizzy and std inlet manifold with cossie TB. odd looking tubular exh manifold was to try and improve power delivery and packaging iirc. The guy that owned it, had someone else build the car. Ive spoken to the owner Graham Walker but hes not really interested in it now as hes sold it, but i would love to find the guy that built it and developed it.Ive loads of pics somewhere i will dig them out. I beleive most of the engine work was done by Oselli Engineering at the time, as there were no real jap tuners around then.
dunno who that was re the engine you sold, but im bound to know them, it aint like theres many people daft enough to play with scimitars!

edit pics of the car are at work, will post some monday

Racing is life. Everything else, before and after, is just waiting.
- Steve McQueen
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