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Old 23-02-2007, 23:28
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Originally Posted by GForce
Hello all!

I´m new here!
As that is my first post here, i´ll just introduce myself a little bit at first.
I live in Austria, and just bought myself a Silvia 2.0 FJ20E and 2 cars for parts.
I´m studying mechanical engineering, and work as a mechanic in a rally workshop down here.

Ok now my 1. question:

Can anybody tell me the Nissan part numbers for the FJ20ET Pistons, rings, conrods, valve springs, and cam gears?

and where can i find S12 Workshop ma nuakls maybe on CD? same as part lists and other techn information bout the car?

THX in advance
hi mate, you may as well go for wiseco forged pistons, i've had some crower steel rods made, try , all the engine tech and diagrams of the engine are on there site.
fj20/et a replacement for displacement
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