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Old 25-02-2007, 21:11
stu stu is offline
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Sorry to poke my nose in on this, But im with pukkasilvia!!

Has anyone seen the kit that this guy has used for making the copies??

Has anyone seen more then one kit??

Has anyone got any insurance for the kit off the seller?? (do you know him)(heard of him)

I personaly think the kit looks awsome, and would love to have one for my s12 when i get it!! but i wouldnt like to send my money over seas without knoowing for definate that i was going to get what i had payed for!!!

From the first post i thought something wasnt right! Maybe wrong!! but think about it before you jump in guys.

get the seller to get pictures of all the kits together and include a picture of the kit that the mould was made from.

seems to good to be true.

Where can you get these kits from??Whats the company that makes them?? has anyone got a link to there site or any contact details???

Just my thoughts guys/seller, Im not saying your scamming!!! just telling people to be carefull!!! You see it to often nower days, people getting scammed left right and centre!!!!!
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