Thread: 771bhp r33
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Old 26-02-2007, 23:16
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Default 771bhp r33

feck me, i was took out in a r33 tonite, head was done by andy at AMT and also supplied the tomei cams etc, ron kiddel at rk put it together, its only running 26psi and 7300rpm, when i got out my legs where shacking like i'd done a long feckin run, it was scary at 150 mph in the dark,down country lanes, its got the quaife sinquential box, the guy has spent a fortune on it, he can feckin drive as well, this is me still 3 hours later .the wheels spun up at 150mph, he said they spun at 160mph on the byepass
fj20/et a replacement for displacement

Last edited by s13eater; 26-02-2007 at 23:21.
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