"Nissantegrale" Front bumper! I can call it that without the integrale maffia lynching me, as I have been there, done that.... anyway, my 'grale bumper inspired me...
Excuse the cheesy brand name for the front bumper... he he.. it's still work in progress of course, but heres a picture of the cut outs.. hard to get the full visual without, wings, lights, grille and bonnet fitted.. but here it is anyway.
I will probably increase the width of the outer two edges, as I didnt cut it where I had intended... duh.. and then possibly move the indcator light units back an inch and fit mesh over them in the apertures..., to keep the mesh max airflow look, even though only the three new apertures will increase airflow. Then the entire bumper, mesh and backing plater will be painted along with the rest of the ar when the gp widebody is on there.
Note: I have to chop a ton of metal out of the bumper backplate tomorrow otherwise all that lovely fresh air wont get anywhere useful... All this is in preparation for the bigger engine and intercooler in the future..