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Old 08-03-2007, 17:51
gbvette98 gbvette98 is offline
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Question 86 200sx 2.0L non-turbo stalling issue

I have a 1986 200sx 2.0L non-turbo with 128k miles. (CA20E motor)

It starts and runs like a dream. But in the morning it starts and stalls. I can keep it running by giving it gas at medium revs.. 1500-2000rpms but when it returns to idle it stalls. So I gave up on it this morning and returned to it just now (4 hours later) and it starts and runs great again.

Any idea where to start with this immediate stalling problem..

I have already changed plugs, wires, cap, rotor, fuel filter, air filter, and Have removed,cleaned, and refastened the injector's piggybacks but still have this immediate stalling issue.
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