Thread: Boost upgrade
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Old 25-10-2005, 17:12
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Default Boost upgrade

A simple boost increase can liven up your standard s12 with a bleed valve fitted between the turbo and its actuator as shown below:

Also an intercooler should be fitted as the s12 never came with a standard intercooler. Most popular option is the sierra cosworth and volvo although others have been used such as saab and wing mounted intercoolers which can be purchased for the 300zx, 200sx s13 and 200sx s14, and will fit the s12.

Next is to remove the safety valve found on the inlet manifold near the bulkhead and simply block it up with either a welded bolt or as i have used a cap from a plumbing store which does the job perfectly.

Colder plugs NGK BCPR7ES should replace the standard NGK BCPR6ES.

The gapping should be set to .9mm using a feeler gauge.

The timing may need adjusting to prevent detonation.You may even be able to advance the ignition timing to upto 17.5 degs if you use super octane petrol. A rolling road run is always a good idea after any boost increase or serious modification

Once all this is completed a boost gauge should be installed so a safe boost can be set using your newly installed bleed valve.

A standard T2 will be stretched at 14psi and most opt for a safe 10-12psi as this is proved to be a reliable and safe setting

Currently 226.4bhp@13psi with a remap to 18psi coming very soon

Last edited by PukkaSilvia; 22-02-2006 at 01:22.
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