As you are aware we have a fund going on for a new dogs bollox marqee as our current gazebo is having trouble when the weather gets bad.
Thanks again to S13eater and Jackiefan. Also Slimreaper just donated a cheque towards the fund too so we have 100 quid already. Im happy to donate whatever is needed also along with claire.
If anyone else wants to help out pm claire as she is looking after the club money in a seperate account.linked to her paypal.
Has anyone cme across a particular model that is suitable. Things to think about are the ground fittings and the diameter and gauge of the framework as our current gazebo bent and twisted in the storm last jae. Its still useable but a pain none the less. It needs to be vinyl not cottom canvas so that it can keep out the rain.

. Ive seen a lot on ebay but its hard to see the construction,scaling and strength of them. If anyone fancies trawling through ebay aswell it would be great