Thread: Marqee Fund
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Old 18-03-2007, 22:45
bloodybigtrukkin bloodybigtrukkin is offline
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Dont mean to but in but how is this marquee going to be transported.
To get anything strong enough its going to use a clear span frame with apex roof.
Therefore a 3metre wide tent will have roof beams that are about 2 metres.
Plus pvc panels weigh a hell of a lot if they are of a decent thickness.
The biggest marquee we could carry in a 4 metre transit was a 3 metre by 9 metre and that was probably over the 3.5T weight limit.
As a side note I still have and will freely donate them 8 lighting units and 240V outlet setup if needed as long as the venue offers an electric hookup or if anyones got a portable genny.
As an alternative if anyone is handy at fabricating I still have roof panel that is 3 metres wide by 12 metres long that could be used to make a fair size marquee.
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