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Old 23-03-2007, 21:02
Magoo Magoo is offline
S12OC User
Join Date: Jul 2006
Posts: 60
Magoo is on a distinguished road
Smile South Yorkshire Springs CoilSpring Info

Bought a pair of AVO springs off S13eater ( thankyou very much)
And set about finding rears to match.

first stop was AVO for a set of rears. they were very very ill mannered about the whole thing said they only did 4 spring kits,would'nt give rates and eventually said could do just rears and would be 6 wks to order, when they had a kit ready to go off the shelf.

Rang South Yorkshire Springs (01709 375375) and talked to Tony, he was very accomodating and said they had the specs for -30mm and -40mm rears rated at 250lb for £50+vat

Now I wondered if anyone could tell me which would be the best match for my front AVO's which are -35mm, I have a 1988 MK2.
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