Yepp... the 6R4 is ours too... bought is off Max Wakefield, it has been through wobblers hands recently also.. (wobbler = dave appleby). The reg number is a recognised plate from back in the day.. A20 ROV supposed to be 420 ROV (for 420 bhp rover). It's on a back burning till we find an engine for realistic money, but I am shying away from the V64V powerplant as they are sh1te anyway... might put a st220 V6 in it, cossie diffs etc... just waiting for time and within 5 years they will be ok for use in historic rallies... he he he....
Right then... it's saturday morning, a little hung over from single malt whiskey, a night off from the workshop and too much bullsh1tting with the boys down the pub last night....time for a reality check, off to the workshop for a long day that will hopefully end with a test drive.
ps.. Got some new wheel centers yesterday for my compomotivesplit rims, need to get 2 of them machined, goning to od that first today... so might even get the wheels on it today also.... otherwise there wont be a test drive...