Thread: thieving scum
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Old 26-03-2007, 19:43
Wocketfast Wocketfast is offline
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Join Date: Jan 2007
Location: West Sussex
Posts: 118
Wocketfast is an unknown quantity at this point

Sorry to say this Northerner but I've never heard of the police doinging anything more than give a crime number for stuff like this.

That includes my car getting broken into (you could see there hand prints on the windscreen where they tried to lever out the stereo)
My sisters car being stolen and ragged round the fields
My mates Datsun which was an attempted theft, left finger prints all over it!
My Mountain bike from the station under the CCTV cameras
Work = 3 breakins, CCTV, finger prints, foot prints, traceable kit.

Nothing more than a crime number for any of them. Other than the datsun where we spent the day sat in a car park (in my car not the datsun) waiting for the police to turn up and take prints etc, only to get a call at 6pm to say they were not comming, here's a crime number, good night.

Cant wait for these council tax rises the police simply dont have the time to deal with crimes like this. Thats labours poor budgeting for you e.g.
NHS computer scheme
Air Traffic Control
Child support agency
the list is too long.


In the mean time the police also wont have the time if the persons recieve a slap, or for just £35 you can hire a disc cutter suitable for slicing a car in two.
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