I was under the impression the weight of a 620ti is 1365 kg. Not sure the weight of a standard Silvia, cant see it being heavier than a 620 to be honest.
Not being funny, but wasn't your previous Silvia an Auto? My ti had full system exhaust, induction kit and the boost turned up to just before the fuel cut (just under a bar if memory serves me? Was a while ago now, so I could be wrong, but it was around there im sure.)
It was exactly the same speed as a bog standard Astra GTE 16v, the same car I beat in my Silvia with an exhaust, filter, intercooler and boost turned up. Spose races across the dual carriageway don't prove that much. Just food for thought.
Either way, mine was a fun car to have. Me and a few mates went out dressed as old man, flat cap and driving gloves the works and spanked a few of the local tossers in their Saxo's. Was a fairly entertaining way to spend an evening.