Thread: thieving scum
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Old 27-03-2007, 20:49
stu stu is offline
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Tjieving pikey scum

I had my gtir stolen about 9 weeks ago now, i didnt see the police!!! I rang them to report it, they rang back about 5 hours later and gave me a crime number and that was it

My car is still missing

I had just had £1500 worth of wheels and tyres put on it, 3 weeks before, a steering wheel that was £250, two tv screens in the head rests a dvd player all new 3 weeks before it was stolen, the mot was 11 months and tax 6 months, the car had just come back on the road after taking it off to sort out all the niglt bits, i had just had it tinted out £100, just had it valeted £60, New childs booster seats £40, The car standard would of cost me atleast £3500 with the extras that i declared that makes it worth around £5500, what did they pay me????????? £3500 and they took the excess of £400 out of that

And to top it off, i had about 10 months insurance left, they said they wouldnt insure my new car because it had alloys and a bodykit on it, and they wouldnt reimburse me the 10 months that i had left, because i had made a claim on the policy

So its cost me an extra £360 to insure the bluebird and they have also told me, the 9 years no claims i had, they only took 4 into consideration, and took 2 of them away for the claim, so im left with only 2 years no claims discount

Even if he was insured, he would still loose out mate

Its sad to hear he has lost the car and that it wasnt insured!!! I hope the thieving pikies roll another car and get trapped in it and burn to death!!!!
My next car will be an s12
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