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Old 04-04-2007, 16:24
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Silvia_en_Frank Silvia_en_Frank is offline
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Cool Throttle body switch and ....positionpotentiometer. Please help!


This morning, I was working out the plan to integrate in - or built nearby the throttle body switch a potentiometer. To read the throttle position I need for a Megasquirt motormanagement. To my surprise, the throttle body switch as I found it in the manual was uprated. There was only one switch connected to the three pin connector. Also I found a potentiometer integrated, which was connected with a three wired cable to a extended connected. It wasn't a diy thing, that's for sure.

Is it correct that this switch en potentiometer integrated device was made for the S12 (mine is of the year '86 - dutch car). There is a ground and 9,2 volt available on the connector (pin 1 and 3 or vice versa). Where is the middle wire going to? ECCS pin number? Or other device?

Please let me know. Thanks in advance, Frank.
New in town !
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