Well i have decided i have no fooking luck whatsoever. I was on my wayto a local Japcar meet on Sunday , beating a bike on the private test track as it were and heard a bang then a noise like something rick-oshaying in the passenger side or exhaust side , then no fooking boost and just the familiar noise of the turbo not going roundy roundy.
There was no smoke just no boost and not much power
Got a lift to the japcar meet said my excuses for not being to show the s12 and just had a good look round the mint gathering of jap stuff.
Next day i took the intake pipe off and stripped the turbo off to find no wabbley shaft a bit of oil about and the shaft was a bit tight as the union had come loose but nothing to the eye.
Took the turbo through a mate of mint to have a look at , the first thing he was What the fook is that of,,,,, dont say the s12
Oh yes was my reply with a big grin , goes well he asked
anyhow when he stripped it to bit , the exhaust wheel looked like something had been thrown into the exhaust side of the turbo chewed up for a long time them shot out the back like a bullit!!!!( the noise i guess)
So the state of play at the mo is no turbo on the beasty and just about to do a compression test over the next few days to see and maybe head of to see what the fook has happened. What evver it was in the turbo may have come from the manifold welding or from inside the engine itself but on the way out of the exhaust it fooked the lambda sensor for the w/band afr aswell.
Maybe looking at worst case of different motor or head off will keep you guys up to date. Just got it looking nice aswell which you will see if ever My Kimble put the pics up i sent him WORKSHY!!!!