i came accross this bumper on aus12 and got in touch with the guy making them to see about the possibility of me getting one for myself. Now he said that he'd have no problem shipping to me in ireland but that the costs could be crazy. He suggested we buy one as a group and make our own copies and deal them out among ourselves.
So thats the reason for this thread, would anyone else be interested in coming in on this with a view to making copies of theese bumpers?
He recons postage to me would be between 600 and 1000 aud and the bumper is 500. So taking the worst case scenario thats 1500aud or 300 euros (approx 200stg) each if 5 of us go in to get the initial bumper plus whatever it costs for the copies then.
So having said that would anyone else be interested?
Its also worth adding that he is also woing standard fiberglass front wings which i need and im sure others need new ones too, so we could also look into the possibility of getting some of them too
Heres the original thread: