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Old 04-06-2007, 15:41
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Did anyone else go to this?

Slimreaper and I went along, even managed to get three sessions out on track. Ended up blowing his Turbo to manifold gasket though! The show itself wasn't much to write home about but it wasn't bad either. Most of the people there were "normal" as opposed to event's like Trax where it's just a bunch of horny teenage chavs trying to copulate with the stand girls while playing bangin toons from their overweight and underpowered Vauxhall Novas!

All in all a pleasant day out with some very nice machinery to gawp at, plus £20 for 20mins round the National Circuit thrown into the bargain!! I'd go back next year, Have a nose on the SXOC as they had a club stand and there's quite a few comments on there about it, and some photos if you're that bothered.
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