As you sound like you're running without an intercooler you won't notice much difference in power, however power delivery will be smoother and further up the rev range. It will be a little laggy though, not much to write home about, certainly won't make much of a difference on the street.
Have you changed the plugs as well? It's well worth looking out for an FMIC setup as that let's you crank up the boost a little and will make a difference to power output because of it. There were a few for sale not so long back, I'm sure someone will pipe up if there is still one available. Don't forget that it's also well worth uprating your fuel pump with these mods as it's less likely to lean out running on a Walbro and will save you a piston or two!
After that I'd start to think about making it stop/corner better. Pound for pound good quality brakes and tyres are unbeatable for performance gains, makes the whole thing safe too!