Thread: Jae 2007
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Old 20-06-2007, 12:54
Wocketfast Wocketfast is offline
S12OC User
Join Date: Jan 2007
Location: West Sussex
Posts: 118
Wocketfast is an unknown quantity at this point

I wonder if the "pure P10" will manage more than 3 cars on their massive stand this year last year we where oposite them and it was a joke. Other clubs with massivly overside stands v number of cars seemd to be
MR2 owners clubs (various)
Supra - was it ever more than half full?
a few scooby clubs.

Anyone else think these massive clubs, with doggy turn outs and part filled stands should be at the edge (so the wasted space is outside the show area) rather than in the middle? I think this makes for a very empty feeling show
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