thanx !
hi guys thanx for all your interests ! i'd thought about slamin a turbo on but the compression is to high and to get new pistons was gonna cost about £80 each ! owtch , so i'm open for ideas, as for the exhaust, my front pipe seems to be ok ! but the rest is on its way out so if anyones got a staight through pipe 2 1/2 - 3 in through to the rear, i have a 'magnex' back box to hook up to, i also need full suspention as mine has about shot it, anyone knows of a good stiff 'n' low set-up , that would be great ! i know i have alot of ideas but sadly not alot of money , all offers and ideas will be read and contemplated thanx again , Neil
 " Rear Wheel Drivers Do It Sideways !"