Thread: Time for tuning
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Old 28-06-2007, 23:32
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Conkers Conkers is offline
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The rolling road guy couldn't get any contact with the box.... so he couldn't map it. But as we need it running this weekend for a meeting he made sure it is safe, I have not picked it up yet, but it is getting 200bhp. Not a bad start, he reckons it is good for 300 ish, but I told him the internals are only good for 250 and I am happy with 200 anyway. That said, it is going lean at the top end, the biggest issue right now is that it is producing too much boost, just keeps climbing and when he dumps in more fel the bost increases even more, he thinks I need to open up the wastegate as much as possible, get bigger injectors and he suggested a megasquirt box for it.... but I'll start by looking at the boost issue and aim at being able to use the engine safely up to 7000rpm.....
The turbo we used apparently is some hybrid saab T25 off a saab 9000, but it has a wastegate actuator of unknown origin, so I might try fitting a actuator off a saab 9000 again if opening up the wastegate port doesn't help.

Anyway, so far, quite chuffed... I had guessed 200bhp +/-20 so to be seeing 199.4bhp at 5500rpm and not properly mapped is quite promising....

Lets just hope I dont prang it at gatebil in sweden this weekend.


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