Thread: Time for tuning
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Old 02-07-2007, 13:45
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Conkers Conkers is offline
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Join Date: Mar 2006
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Changing the wastegate actuator back to original made no difference, so I ported the wastegate opening to diameter 23.5mm. This reduced the overbost to a more manageable 0,8-0,9 when running 0,6 constant.
Once at the event we coundln't find a shell station selling v-power (optimax) so used super unleaded (98) with some stp octane booster... we didn't get any knock... and the overboost issue is almost resolved, it runs 0,6bar constant and peaks at 0,7ish... sometimes it flashed up to 0,8bar but I am confident the problem is no more.... obviously something to do with the use of v-power...
Did wonder if the lower octane rating of super unleaded caused the knock sensor to cut in a back the ignition or something else that I am ashamed to admit it dont understand.

Car ran without missing a beat all weekend, did 150 miles at full chat... got razzed by every saab volvo bmw and audi on the straights, but they all had 300+ bhp... but got them back under braking and outhandled everything except the porsches on slicks....

When it came to trying my hand at drifting.... that was a different kettle of fish altogether... I am tempted to blame it on having too little power.. but I suspect it was too much grip on the yokohama A032R tyres... it would slide when provoked, but then a lack of power (for these tyres) would cause theslide to diminish and it would grip enough to throw yer false teeth out!
Better n the rain, but it was hard to hold in a drift, it was either a gentle (perfect for rallying) tail out corner attitude, but if you oversteeped it by one degree then she went around and I couldn't get enough lock on quick enough....
It's going to be a challenge to get the hang of going sideways on purpose.... I have spent the last 20 years trying to keep it straight and being smooth....

Once I get the det injectors from pukka, I'll get it on the rolling road again and see if we can get her up to 250bhp...

I'll see if there are any pictures on

Babble over....

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