Thread: Jae 2007
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Old 12-07-2007, 09:04
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Claire Claire is offline
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Join Date: Oct 2005
Location: West Sussex
Posts: 207
Claire will become famous soon enough

Sorry to hear that you won't be able to make it to JAE Hopefully you can make it next year.

Ok so heres the new list....

1-s13eater (showing car)
2-pukkasilvia&claire (showing car)
3-beany (even if i have to tow it there) (Showing car)
4-Jackiefan (Showing car)
5-Kimblebean (Showing car)
6-Rob Turbo (Showing car)
7-Japster (Den) (Showing car)
8-Duncan & Olivia (Showing car)
10-Wocketfast (either Sat or Sun)
11 -Nissan Turbs (Not showing car)
12 - Mr Turbo

Rob Turbo can you bring a generator?
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