Thread: Marqee Fund
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Old 12-07-2007, 20:54
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PukkaSilvia PukkaSilvia is offline
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The new marquee has arrived today. It is so heavy!!!!! It looks very strong so far. the material is heavy duty and the framework is twice as thick in diameter as the last one. I will test build it this weekend to make sure we have all the bits and take a picture of it next to my s12 so that you can visage its size

Thanks to Shaun and Stella,Jackiefan,Beany-s12 and the person who donated via paypal the other day . There username was not included only there real name which i dont know if they want announced public as yet. Also big thankyou to claire for organising all this and for also going halfs on the remaining £ needed to pay for it with me .

If any of the donating members require to borrow the marquee at anytime for other reasons then that is fine

Originally Posted by s13eater View Post
i wished my cams cost only £130 each, i must have c*nt wrote on my head
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