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Old 20-07-2007, 19:36
old-and-rusty's Avatar
old-and-rusty old-and-rusty is offline
Join Date: Jul 2007
Location: Rochdale
Posts: 373
old-and-rusty is an unknown quantity at this point

Hiya Pukka,
Thanks for confirming I`m a waffler

I will be replacing the auto for a manual (if I can find all the bits). I usually prefer a manual, it`s just that I knew the history of the car (from it`s previous owner) and new it was in good shape, until I got my sticky little paws on it . That`s probably one of the things I will be picking your brains about in the future, so don`t be shy with the answers

The only piccies I have are from about 8 years ago, their that old, you can see my pet dinosaur on one

Sorry I won`t be able to make it to Peterborough this weekend, I`ve got a wedding to go to (not mine though ). Besides, I don`t really think it`s appropriate to arrange a weekend away just yet, we`ve only just met .

Once I`ve got started on the old girl (the car, not the missus ), I will see what I can arrange.

Thanks for making me feel so welcome, by the way, despite my waffling and warped sense of humour .


P.s I love what you`ve done to your motor, especially the fat arches and the interior. I was being serious there, could you tell ????
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