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Old 24-07-2007, 21:03
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duncan duncan is offline
Join Date: Dec 2005
Location: ireland
Posts: 142
duncan is on a distinguished road
Default bit of an expensive jae

jae got a whole lot more expensive on sun nite for me. was staying in services in telford when my hyd hand brake decided to release the pressure on the rear wheels
the car rolled down the hill and tore the wing mirroe down the whole side of a crysler voyager then kept rolling and landed on the grass after mounting a 7" high kerb
thankfully no one was hurt and the car stopped lust before the 2meter dyke that was behind the hedge. there isn't any damage to my car but the fright of gettin a phone call from the cops when asleep is enough.
now i have a very complicated insurance cliam on my hands and a hefty bill when i go to renew my policy
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