im sorry about that it´s just that i just got me self a s112 recently for 7500 sek with documentet newly renovated engine and the way i see it 30000 for your engine where the hell have you put the money on that maybe youll have a good engine controll system whit sensors for 20.000 sek then i would understand because surely more than 10.000 to renovate a standard internal engine isn´t realistic.
it is a nice car i admit to that don´t sell it keep it and make it into the monster it could be with forged internals or maybe an ca18det vg30 fj 20 or sr20det but for the love of good to put in 30.000 sek in an angine that only produces say 240 ish ??bhp for that kind of money youll get an rb26dett from a engine supplyer complete with mt tranny.
as for the wheels if they are magnesium i get it but i must have missed it in the swedish ad.
the body kit is fair priced if the paint jobb is alright
the roll cage i can´t understand you buildt it your self as i understood it?
well fuck it i didn´t mean to be sutch an asshole and i apoligize for this the above is not to argue it is to show you how i thougt while posting the previous post. i appoligize again its just that even 50.000 is in the top range of what it could get sold for and your aiming for 80.000.
and by the way i am not some freaking noob teen that think that he nows anything youll try me if you don´t believe me when it comes to nissan motors 88 to 97 thats my speciality altuohg im still learning about the s12 previous knowledgde is s13 and above. i still love my new s12 altuogh it´s a bit slow at 190 bhp but it will do til the new engins in.
again i´m sorry for my latest post i appoligize to mister Conkers and to the forum for putting this in this post i am

my self