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Old 30-07-2007, 11:02
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boymostfoul boymostfoul is offline
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Default Help... i'm a fish! Starter motor enquiry

Howdi, it would appear that i'm dense, I got myself a new starter motor and was wondering the if there is an easy way to fit it... coz I seem to be doing everything arse about face...
and does anyone have a torque list for the various bolts an' stuff coz so far i've just been guessing...
and jus' another quick one... what offset (oogi-mi-flip) does the S12 have? I want ALLOYS! Mesh style, deep dish, and around a 16" any ideas... heard that the 240Z rims fit, fact or bovine?
Super cool...

Thank you 'Oh Fountain Of Knowledge'!
Most Foul
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