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Old 01-08-2007, 12:05
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Conkers Conkers is offline
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Default Urgent..CA18ET vs CA18DET injectors...

My CA18ET engine has injectors that were measured at 289cc
CA18DET injectors are rated at 370cc. This much is general knowledge.

Now to my little problem...

Does anyone have a picture of a CA18DET injector? I bought a set of used
S13 CA18DET injectors off a guy online, but they dont look anything like the ones that I took out of my CA18ET!

So if anyone has pictures of what I need then I would be grateful.....

Do both kinds look the same?
What are the part number of the CA18DET injectors?
Are CA18DET injectors a barb fitting, or come pre-fitted with a short rubber pipe like the CA18ET injectors?

The ones I had sent to me look like oring seals on both ends....

I'll get some pictures up of standard CA18ET and te ones I had sent me, so say from a S13 CA18DET.......

Help me obi-wan...

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