18-09-2007, 22:12
Registered User
Join Date: Feb 2007
Location: Portsmouth
Posts: 230
Originally Posted by s13eater
i noticed the black fj20 as well and not even a mention of the fj, trouble is they are to busy doing write ups on cars they have already featured, ie: rk, nd, rc, all the tuners, plus cars that half of us can't afford, or if we could, we cun't affords the price of the mods, its like watching top gear, it caters for the upper class, no one gives a fuck about the working class anymore, the young folk buy the mags cos they are just obssest with bhp results, but they don't care that they will never own anything as powerfull, maybe twoc someones, its about time the mags catered for everyone, i must have 6 years of mags, but nothing in them that interests me, evo's, scooby's, skylines.
Well said mate!