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Old 13-10-2007, 15:47
blitz blitz is offline
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Join Date: Jan 2007
Location: Kingston, ON, CANADA
Posts: 64
blitz is an unknown quantity at this point

americans and canadians use Z31 rear dampers, and 280zx front. there is a "coil over" kit from megan racing and ground control. the megan racing one is USD $1050, but you have to do S13 front end conversion. the rear one is basically coil over with separated springs and collars.

a word of caution: the Z31 has longer stroke so if you car is lowered quiet a bit it will bottom out. I haven't done any of these as I ride on blown AC delco stock replacement.

there was koni sport rear dampers at one time but it's all gone, or buy one used.
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