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Old 22-10-2007, 13:56
drew555 drew555 is offline
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Join Date: Jul 2007
Posts: 27
drew555 is an unknown quantity at this point

Cut springs I have... weren't low enough, so I took em out

To be honest, it's the shocks I'm desperate to use, because with the originals it was shocking (even on un-cut springs, and with the cut springs).

If the springs wont work, I'll just attempt to use the shocks

Are the inserts in the S13 struts fittable into the S12 struts?

I'm not overly concerned about the rear now, worst case I'll just use the KYB shocks and cut springs. If the shocks won't fit (and it's seeming more likely they won't) I'll animalise 'em on.

Remember kids, lowness is not big, and it 'aint clever. But it does look cool
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