Thread: What the???
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Old 04-11-2007, 12:30
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Firstly sorry, if I offended you Jon, I was only having a bit of fun .

I`ve done some more checking on the subject, it is possible to do, but you would actually be burning hydrogen and not water. The water is split into hydrogen and oxygen by electrolysis (see "Brown`s Gas" or "Hydroxy" on the internet). The main problems are ceramic coatings (as stated in my previous post about rust proofing the exhaust etc) and the amount of energy needed to convert the water into hydrogen and oxygen. The amount of hydrogen released would be less than the amount of energy required to make the reaction happen.

It`s actually more cost effective to convert a car to dual-fuel, than it is to convert the car to run on water.

The "Tomorrows World" programme that this was originally featured on was shown on the 1st April, I think this says something about the process .

If anyone wants to try this out, here is a link to download the conversion process :

Oil companies would be against the process if it was viable, I agree. But they didn`t manage to stop lpg or bio-diesel from being produced.

Like I said, sorry if I offended you, I was only having a bit of fun. But I`m still waiting to see a warp drive engine or working teleporter .

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