Originally Posted by Pukkasilvia
small closed minds
Okay then, why not prove us all wrong

. The patent on Stan Meyer`s device is now in the public domain and the plans can be downloaded for free.
There`s still too much "cloak and dagger" surrounding this project -
1). The H2earth website giving reasons why civilisation could be wiped out before the end of this century.
2). Stan Meyer`s mysterious "black box" that controls the process.
3). The fact that there are no verified figures available for power outputs etc, carried out on the same engine before and after the process.
4). The poisoning of the inventor.
5). The fact that mysterious officials are raiding premises where people are trying to carry out the process commercially and taking away their plans and related paperwork.
It sounds too much like an episode of the X-files

But if you can prove us doubters wrong, I will happily stand up and apologise and say I was wrong. I can`t be fairer than that

In fact if anyone, who lives closer to me, wants to try the process, I will gladly give them a hand.
Sceptical....me ?