Thanks for your advice guys, I will look into that and keep you all posted on the progress. That hose you said about has been adjusted and reclamped since the pics and should hold fingers X.
In answer to your many questions, I am a welder fabricator by trade for 20 years & have the added benefit of being the works manager at my workshop in Peterborough, cambs.
So, yes, I did design and fabricate this non FIA cage and it is welded in as bolt in ones are weeker and more complex & therfore more time consuming.
If any of you are local and have a spare £300 cash and dont mind leaving the car with me for a couple of weeks, let me know and I may be interested.
I also made the strut brace ends and was donated an old Skyline alloy cross bar which worked a treat. Again, if some of you are genuenly interested then I may be up for making a few. Would be about £60 each, I would need a few orders to justify getting some alloy bar and tube etc..
I also made my own air intake box (though this is a one of due to head light conversion & relocating various components to make way for one of intercooler pipe)and MAF adaptor plate for the cone filter to bolt to, I can make loads of these in stainless steel for about £10 each.
Cheers, Hans.