Thread: newbie
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Old 08-02-2006, 18:59
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gripo gripo is offline
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Default newbie

hello everyone. my name is gripo. I would like to know about modding silvias. when mine is running it is around 300bhp. is that anygood?

seriously hello lads. If anyone would like to help me put my silvia back together some day next week this is what i will be attempting.

power steering pump putting back on,
all pulleys putting back on,
t3 turbo with 360 bearing (pending return from turbotechnics) back on
exhaust mani back on until i get a better one
trip to the scrappy for a smaller radiator until i can afford to have an aluminium one made up and fitting
greddy profec b spec 2 boost jobby fitting
power steering pot on
440injectors put on

about time i pulled my finger out and got it going to meet you guys
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