spat oil out all over the turbo?
1)check all your pipework for alot of oil in the pipes including the afm intake.
It can only be the following
Turbo front seal leaking in the compressor housing and then leaking out over the bearing housing
Excessive engine breathing via the rocker cover breather into the afm intake pipe
Braided oil line leaking from a split in the hose or from a leak in the fittings.
try ptfe tape in the oil line fittings.
If you did not clean all the pipework out after your last turbo failed it could be left over from that.
The Idle speed could just need adjusting as it may of been turned up to compensate for intake restrictions in the past, ie possibly a stiff turbo bearing or blocked up pipes if they had been before.... But check all your intake pipe clips are air tight.
Is it smoking from the exhaust on boost or idle?
Originally Posted by s13eater
i wished my cams cost only £130 each, i must have c*nt wrote on my head 