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Old 10-02-2006, 19:18
umpkin umpkin is offline
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Default ooops, and need advice.

I let my s12 get dangerously low on oil the other day totally my fault i know, but there must be a prob for it to be that low!!!!! so i filled it up, now when cold it starts with a bit of blue smoke, as i pull away and boost kicks in, i got some more blue smoke, but clears, once warm the smoke isnt really noticable, BUT you can smell it coming out of the exhaust, so i gather its burning the oil rather than leaking, now ive had both the turbo seals & the valve stem seal go before so i have some idea what to look out for, but this is strange, coz valve seals mainly smoke on hot startup, and very little on cold startup, but turbo seals normally smoke on deacceleration, which it isnt (yet) anyone have any ideas if this is early stages to either the rings, turbo or valve stem seals going tits up, bearing in mind i did the valve stem seals 2 years ago with genuine nissan ones, could it be one slipped off?? the turbo is a T2 hybrid with 360 deg bearing running aprox 10 - 11 psi boost, this was last reconditioned in 2001.

next question is..... does anyone have the parts laying about to bolt a T25, T28 straight on, as money is really short and i cant do another £400 for a turbo just yet, and if i do its gotta be worth it (i.e a bigger one T25, T28 )

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