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Old 13-12-2007, 16:45
Dazz Dazz is offline
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Default Intercooler and dump valve fitted.

Hi guys, i did a search and found a few bits of advice but i just want to check a few things.
Ive just finished fitting my intercooler to the S12 with a T2, i used a Golf 20v turbo wing mount and mounted it by the rad with a good cold air feed, i used a cosworth 2inch - 2.5inch boost hose from the turbo to a 2.5inch tube around 6inches long then to a bit of silicone coupling to the bottem of the cooler, from the top outlet of the cooler i managed to use the standard hard pipe with a 2.5inch T-piece for a bailey dv26 dumpvalve then fitted to the throttle bodie, for the dv vac line i plumbed it in using the black vac pipe that runs across the top of the bulk head under the vin plate? i assume thats ok as i read most use the one from the fuel reg.
I also fitted a boost controller, mechanical one its a ball type or something, and i just set it half way, so im unsure of the psi, now the car drives great, i seam to have really strong top end power, strange as but if i drive hard the wheels spin all the way to the redline where as befour it wasnt as strong and the power dropped off a little earlier, the dump valve lets off buts not really that loud, so do you recommend i bin it? as i seam to have lost the chatter noise from the waste gate.

Thanks and sorry for the essay, just thought the more info the better.
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