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Old 16-12-2007, 16:05
Jamie Hicks Jamie Hicks is offline
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Posts: 19
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Default So, should I change my head?


I'm afraid I'm one of those wierd blokes on here without a Nissan. I've got a Scimitar SS1 fitted with a CA18ET.

My current issue is that I've got a custom exhaust manifold, (allowing a top-mounted turbo) but that now the turbo fouls the distributor.

Right, so I figured that as the Bluebird has an end-mounted dizzy, I'd just swap to a bluebird dizzy right? Wrong, I've since learned that the camshaft is different at the back end, and I'd struggle to fit the dizzy to the Silvia head.

So maybe I swap to a Bluebird (Turbo) head, complete with camshaft and dizzy? Well, it's either that or chuck out the Nissan ECU and dizzy, and go for a MegaSquirt (or similar) aftermarket ECU and go distributor-less.

Any advice regarding the head swap would be appreciated, as well as any experience of MegaSquirt, or any other distributor free setups you guys might have on a CA18ET.

Cheers, Jamie
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