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Old 29-12-2007, 18:13
Dazz Dazz is offline
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Location: South East
Posts: 90
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Default Strange Lumpy idle.

Ok, my silvia has always had a lumpy idle, it starts up fine but as soon as she's warm she hovers at 700rpm and flutters up and down, only about 50-100rpm at the most, she's always done it, she revs fine and pulls fantastic, i assumed it was old and tired spark plugs so today i finally got round to fitting a new dizzy cap, coil lead, ht leads and spark plugs set @ .9 gap, the idle is still lumpy, so ive got in contact with the guy who owned it befour hand and he mentioned a cam re-profile? he mentioned that this causes the car to tick over lumpy.

Befour i get loads of questions i'd just like to say the car never stalls, nor does it effect drivability, she pulls fantastic and doesnt spit out any smoke, well apart from the dying turbo it never causes grief but i just want to know if this is a problem?

And i want to say thanks to all who have helped me in the past, i aprecieate all the help you guys have offered.
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